
It was indeed so: for at least a decade there was <strong>[title]</strong> any independent or original native Canadian literature, or in it even a simmering of the sentiment of Canadian nationality, though there was a considerable quantity of ‘journalistic’ and imaginative poetry and prose which possessed distinctive and even engaging aesthetic and artistic qualities, written both by permanently resident émigrés and by native-born Canadians.
Mair and Reade and others were having an <strong>[title]</strong> , however, in holding up the ideal of authentic literary creation in Canada while during that decade and the following decade a group of young native-born Canadians were growing into manhood, and were having engendered in their hearts and imagination a distinct innate sentiment of Canadian nationality and were to become the first native-born group of systematic poets and prose writers in Canada. Their work, in poetry and prose, may fairly be signalized as the First Renaissance in Canadian Literature.
This period in Canadian Literature in English is <strong>[title]</strong> in process. It is showing definitive originality in several ways, including original developments in modernity of theme and moral substance, in formal novelty, and in fresh expression of neglected or hitherto unessayed literary genres, such as, for instance, poetic and stage drama, and essays strictly in belles-lettres.Contemporary with the poets of this period is a group of fictionists, who have produced and are producing novels, romances, and tales which are Canadian in theme, in social background, and in color. This group may be distinguished as the Realistic School of Canadian Fiction.
The method of treatment and criticism employed in the <strong>[title]</strong> work is also Synoptic or Philosophical. The synoptic method adopts the point of view of Canadian literary history and literature as a spiritual Whole. It has distinct and desirable advantages over the other critical and pedagogical methods. For the synoptic method assists the imagination to view Canadian authors and their literature in an inclusive historical perspective, and thus to discover in Canadian Literature the evolution of a people’s social and spiritual ideals, their national and world conceptions, and how and what each individual poet or prose writer,
The synoptic method disengages and discriminates the <strong>[title]</strong> excellences of the poetry and prose of particular individuals and groups, and enables the critic or historian rightly to estimate the social and spiritual significance and value of Canadian authors ideas on Nature, Society, human Existence, and Endeavor.
Naturally pre-revolutionary literature in the <strong>[title]</strong> Colonies was modelled on the mood and form of the satiric verse and pamphlets of the 18th century poets and prosemen of England. The American colonies became alive especially with poetic satirists. When, therefore, the Loyalists settled in Nova Scotia and the Canadas, and when, in due course, they themselves had to face the discussion and solution of new social and political problems, inevitably they adopted the 18th century forms of literary expression.
But since, with the Puritans, Church or Spiritual <strong>[title]</strong> were paramount, and since the separation between the Nova Scotia Puritans and the New England Puritans was merely sentimental and followed the religious schism, the Puritan literature of the period in Nova Scotia was wholly religious and theological. On the theological side, it took the form of controversial and polemical literature for the promotion of the ‘New Lights’ schism. On the religious and creative sides, it took the form of homilies, sermons, devotional works, prayers, and hymns.
The chief creative writer of the <strong>[title]</strong> period was Henry Alline. During the conflict between the Orthodox Congregationalists and the ‘New Lights’ Henry Alline published a polemical pamphlet, The Anti-Traditionist, and five books of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. After his death his Life and Journal was published. It is interesting only to students of religious psychology and the varieties of religious experience.
But Alline’s Hymns and Spiritual Songs is a <strong>[title]</strong> creative work. It contrasts admirably with the too often spiritually inept and doggerelized hymns and evangelical songs that have found a place in the hymnody of the Churches. Alline’s hymns and spiritual songs disclose on his part an authentic lyrical faculty, a sure sense of rhythm and of decent rhyme, and a respect for dignified diction and imagery.
Though Alline’s work in prose and verse has no <strong>[title]</strong> in the evolution of Canadian Literature, inasmuch as he did not even ‘influence’ Canadian hymnography, yet the literary historian must give him the distinction of being the first of the Pioneer Hymn Writers of Canada. The Puritan period in Nova Scotia had, however, no importance in the development of Canadian Literature.
The literature produced by the Loyalists in Nova Scotia, on the <strong>[title]</strong> hand, was fundamental in the evolution of Canadian Literature. For the most part, the Loyalists were members of the cultured Tory or aristocratic families of New England and the other Atlantic Colonies, and were highly cultured themselves. Many of them were teachers, clergymen, lawyers, jurists and officials—all graduates of Harvard, Yale, and other leading educational institutions in the lost colonies.
The Loyalists brought with them their social and cultural ideals; and many of them were <strong>[title]</strong> in literary expression, after the manner of the 18th century prose and verse. They were thus fitted by education and powers of literary expression to reconstruct, as they did, the civilization and culture of Nova Scotia, and to produce, as they did, the first Nativistic Literature of Canada. How they accomplished these creative results is an instructive study by itself.
During the American Revolution the Loyalists were aristocratic families with an <strong>[title]</strong> British sentiment. They wished to retain British connection and to promote their own institutions, with New World modifications, modelled upon British institutions. The persecutions they endured during the whole of the Revolutionary times and their forced exile to Nova Scotia did but intensify their sentiment for British connection in their new home in Nova Scotia.
Yet the love for their old homeland remained, and became with them a <strong>[title]</strong> poignant nostalgia. It was, however, the old homeland they loved; but for the people of the United States they had no sentiment save scorn and hate.All the while, therefore, they retained in their minds and hearts the so-called ‘United Empire’ ideal. But at length this became a problem which took the form of an inner debate as to whether they should cast aside all thoughts of bringing about a re-union of British North America and the United States, or whether they should promote a new United Empire in the land over the border from the United States.
It must be admitted, however, that on the side of ardency of <strong>[title]</strong> the Loyalists in Nova Scotia really felt more a nostalgia for their old homeland than they felt a love for Great Britain and the establishment of a great British nation in the lands north of the United States.Time, at length, wrought changes in the hearts of the Loyalists, and they began to look away from the United States and to take a pride in their new home; to look with affection upon Nova Scotia and to express a decent regard for England, the Motherland.
As it were, the grapes in the United States had <strong>[title]</strong> , and the Loyalists in Nova Scotia began to look on the Revolutionists as their inferiors in birth, culture and civilization. The true ideals, in their view, were in the aristocratic culture and the political system of the new Provinces and England. Once this spirit of contempt for United States culture and civilization became thoroughly engendered, the separation of the Loyalist community in Nova Scotia from all United States connection was complete. Whereupon the Loyalists felt that the only right course to pursue was for them to unite with the Puritan settlers who had preceded them to Nova Scotia, and to develop a civilization and culture all their own.
There was this difference, and only this <strong>[title]</strong> , between the work of Billy Brown and Sam Jones; Sam Jones declaims against sins already condemned by the popular conscience, but Billy Brown assailed convictions enshrined in the innermost sanctuary of the hearts of the people. He did so because these popular superstitions stood in the way of the acceptance by the people of the apostolic gospel. Of course, the work of such a man carried with it an inconceivable excitement. At Mt. Sterling a man in the audience made some objection.
But when the tumult and excitement of this <strong>[title]</strong> had passed away, and his converts were brought face to face with the grave duties of a religious life, and with the serious work of keeping the ordinances of the Lord’s house, they did not know how; they had been born in a whirlwind and could only live in a tempest. Notwithstanding, they loved the Lord’s cause, and they trembled for themselves and their children, if they should not be found faithful.
If these churches are not able at the present time to <strong>[title]</strong> a growth adequate to their opportunities, it must be remembered, on their behalf, that they have sent to the West an incredibly large number of disciples to serve as the nuclei for other churches throughout that mighty empire that within the past thirty years has grown up between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean.
The days I spent in these churches are the <strong>[title]</strong> days of my life. There has been no field in which my labor as an evangelist has yielded a richer harvest; none in which there have been bestowed on me more flattering or more kindly attentions. It was the bright and joyous sunshine of a spring morning, before the bursting of the storm.Though each year increased my attachment to the people, and apparently added their good-will to myself, there had been coming to the front a difficulty that could not any longer be thrust aside or disregarded. I was one hundred and fifty miles away from home, and from my wife and children.
I was both angry and confounded. I had never in my life <strong>[title]</strong> myself conspicuous in this controversy that was going on between North and South, and why should I be insulted with such a question. I did not answer yes or no, but proceeded to give my views on the subject in general. They listened and remarked that they did not see anything offensive in such views.
I was angry with myself for having consented to preach a <strong>[title]</strong> after being met with such a question. But by mine host, Bro. Graves, I was treated with the most frank and manly courtesy, albeit that he was brother to the man that shot a brother congressman in a duel with rifles. We had heard something of this in Illinois, but supposed it was something done by that turbulent and somewhat lawless element that gathers along the borders of civilization; but now it was apparent that this movement was under control of leading citizens of Missouri, and had been participated in by conscientious men, members of the various churches of Missouri.
The reader will not be <strong>[title]</strong> that we should sit up to a late hour of the night, nor that we should renew the subject again in the morning. When I had got ready to leave this man, who had so hospitably entertained me, he explained that he had business on the road on which I was traveling, and that he would accompany me a number of miles.We have no right to assume that a majority of the people of Missouri held the sentiments we have here indicated: probably they did not. But the dissent was generally unspoken. The men of this stamp commonly adopted the policy of the man with whom I had just parted. But there was dissent in some cases, bitter and vehement, followed sometimes by bloodshed.
After securing my claim, and <strong>[title]</strong> to build a cabin, I began to look around me. Fully three-fourths of the squatters of this whole region were from the border counties of Missouri. But in Western Missouri the percentage of Disciples was perhaps larger than in any other portion of the United States, consequently I had brethren on every side of me. These men certainly were not refined and educated men, as the phrase goes, still they had the qualities that our Lord found in the fisherman of Galilee.
Immediately on obtaining my <strong>[title]</strong> , brethren had sought me out and made my acquaintance, and soon it appeared that there were enough Disciples in the settlement to constitute a church. But the times were stormy, and we delayed making any movement in that direction. It had now come to be the month of June. There had been refreshing showers. The singing birds had come, and the bright sunshine.
Great Britain became more <strong>[title]</strong> than Germany, the native land of Luther, and God lifted the British nation up to become the chiefest nation of the world; the United States of North America became more Lutheran than.Great Britain, and the eyes of the world are fixed on us in admiration and astonishment. God blessed the house of Obededom, and all that he had, because the ark of God was in it.
My friends and fellow citizens, I have the <strong>[title]</strong> to represent to you a people that have said we will go back to that order of things originally established by Jesus and the apostles—we will make no vow of loyalty to any but Jesus, and we will have no bond of union save the testimonies and commandments of the Lord as given to us by the Lord himself and the holy apostles. Out of this we hope may grow such a union of God’s people as Jesus prayed for when he prayed that all Christians might be one.
Kansas is certainly predestinated to be a <strong>[title]</strong> State. The fertility of its soil, the healthfulness of its atmosphere, and the fact that its population is to be made up from the bravest, most daring and most enterprising men in the nation, all look in this direction; you ought, then, my friends, to see to it that as far as your influence may go its religion shall be nothing less than primitive and apostolic Christianity.
In ascertaining what is primitive and <strong>[title]</strong> Christianity, we shall pay supreme respect to the time when the old or Jewish dispensation came to an end, and when the new or Christian dispensation began. The first, or Jewish dispensation, Jesus took out of the way, nailing it to the cross. The second, or Christian dispensation, began after Jesus arose from the dead and ascended up on high, far above the thrones, dominions, principalities and powers of the world of light, and became the Head over all things to the church.
In all this there is nothing human, nothing <strong>[title]</strong> . All can accept it who are willing to accept the Word of the Lord. In the baptism we administer, we will give no cause for schism: it shall be a burial, and this, so far as the action of baptism is concerned, will meet the conscience of the Greek Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and of all Protestant churches.
That sermon was <strong>[title]</strong> almost thirty-three years ago. It was an extemporaneous discourse, and no notes were preserved. Nevertheless, there were circumstances attending its delivery, that have indelibly impressed its leading points on the memory of the writer.There were also in the audience two young gentlemen, recently come from the New England States to seek their fortune. They were just of that age to think that what they did not know, or at least what the people of New England did not know, was not worth knowing.
Such a meeting in the <strong>[title]</strong> air; such an audience, in which the dress of every man and woman was got up according to their own notions, and that, too, without consulting Mrs. Grundy; such a preacher! and such a sermon! Certainly these all were new to them, and did not command their highest admiration. When these same New England gentlemen were in their turn stripped of all they were worth by the “Border Ruffians” it changed their feelings toward their free State brethren “mightily.
And now that feeling of <strong>[title]</strong> that had been all along festering in the hearts of the people, began to come to the surface. An inside view would have revealed a perpetual murmur of discontent. The Territorial Legislature was now in session, and doing its work, and copies of the laws they had enacted were coming into circulation. No legislature in America had ever been elected as they had been, and we have already learned what a thrill of horror and pain this caused in the hearts of the squatters.
It would have been a <strong>[title]</strong> of the most obvious common sense that a body of men whose claim to be a Territorial Legislature rested on such a basis should proceed with the utmost moderation. But they were intoxicated with success. Circumstances have transpired within a few weeks past, in this neighborhood, which place beyond a doubt the existence of an organized band of Abolitionists in our midst. We counsel our friends who have slave property to keep a sharp lookout, lest their valuable slaves may be induced to commit acts which might, jeopardize their lives.
In another instance we <strong>[title]</strong> of a servant being tampered with, and induced to believe that she was illegally held in bondage; since which time she has been unruly, and shows evidence of discontent. Such is the effect produced by permitting the convicts and criminals of the Eastern cities shipped out here by the aid societies to reside in our midst.
The depredations of this <strong>[title]</strong> sect do not stop here. Their crimes are more numerous and their acts more bold. It is well known that on Independence and Walnut Creeks, within a few miles of this place, a great number of free slaves and Abolitionists are settled whose thieving propensities are well known. We honestly believe that an organized band of these outlaws exists, whose objects are pecuniary gain and spite, to rob us of our property, drive off our cattle and horses, incite our slaves to rebellion, and, when opportunity afford them facilities for escaping, to aid them.
Within a short time about one <strong>[title]</strong> and fifty head of cattle have been stolen from this neighborhood, driven off, and sold. Eight or nine horses and several mules have been taken out of the emigrants’ camp, driven to parts unknown, and the money is now jingling in the pockets of the Abolitionists. Occurrences of this kind were never before known in this neighborhood, and prior to the shipment of the filth and scum of the Eastern cities our property was secure and our slaves were contented and happy.
The enormity of these offenses, and the <strong>[title]</strong> loss of property, should open the eyes of our citizens to their true situation. We can not feel safe while the air of Kansas is polluted with the breath of a single Free-soiler. We are not safe, and self-preservation requires the total extermination of this set. Let us act immediately, and with such decision as will convince these desperadoes that it is our fixed determination to keep their feet from polluting the soil of Kansas.
It was now the middle of August. My cabin was <strong>[title]</strong> , and I was ready to go back and bring Mrs. Butler and the children to Kansas. Bro. Elliott accompanied me to Atchison, where I intended to take a steamboat to St. Louis, thence going up the Illinois River to Fulton county, Illinois, where Mrs. Butler had been stopping with her sister.
A public meeting was called that night to <strong>[title]</strong> my case, but I did not know it. The steamboat was expected about noon the next day. I had been sitting writing letters at the head of the stairs, in the chamber of the boarding-house where I had slept, and heard some one call my name, and rose up to go down stairs; but was met by six men, bristling with revolvers and bowie-knives, who came up stairs and into my room.
There was, therefore, pressing need for a <strong>[title]</strong> Synoptic History of Canadian Literature. Such a work would furnish the teacher, the student, and the general reader with a ‘method’ of reading Canadian Literature with philosophical insight or with historical and critical perspective. It would distinguish certain ‘epochs’ and ‘movements’ in the literary history of Canada, and make clear how Canadian poets and prose writers are related to one another and have influenced one another, and how, gradually, they expressed in literature the slowly emerging consciousness of a national spirit and a national destiny in the Dominion.
It is designed for the use of teachers and <strong>[title]</strong> in universities, colleges, academies, seminaries, and high schools, and of general readers. Together with suitable anthologies or selections it will furnish teachers and students with adequate equipment for a systematic study of Canadian Literature, and general readers and members of literary clubs equally adequate equipment for ‘home’ or ‘club’ study of the development of Canadian Literature.
The general treatment proceeds on an a <strong>[title]</strong> presumption and a critical principle. The a priori presumption is that in Canada where verse and prose which possess all degrees of worth have for more than a century and a half been produced in the English language and which had English poetry and prose for models, there must be a respectable residue of authentic literature written by native-born and resident émigré Canadian authors.
There are men like myself who wear leggings in a <strong>[title]</strong> & masculine way and are able to successfully make the look appear stylish and edgy but wear them mainly for comfort. The look does not appeal to all, and I am not looking for everyones pat on the back for it, but it is at least modestly worn and I think if you can alleviate onlookers from the fear or seeing something they shouldn’t, then you can make them work well as an alternative to trousers or jeans.
In recent times, the fashion landscape has witnessed a <strong>[title]</strong> shift in T-shirt preferences. While the classic appeal of plain white and black T-shirts remains undeniable, a new wave of creativity and diversity has washed over the T-shirt realm.Move over simplicity, it’s the era of graphic tees! Bold, vibrant designs, quirky illustrations, and expressive slogans have taken the spotlight. These shirts are like wearable art, allowing individuals to make a statement with their choice of visuals and messages.
In a world increasingly conscious of its <strong>[title]</strong> footprint, sustainable T-shirts have gained traction. Consumers are leaning towards organic cotton, recycled materials, and ethically produced shirts. Fashion with a purpose is not just a trend but a movement towards a better, more responsible industry.Comfort reigns supreme, and thus, the trend of oversized T-shirts continues to flourish. These loose-fitting, relaxed shirts are not just about coziness but also about making a fashion statement. Paired with the right bottoms, they epitomize effortless cool.
The allure of monochrome T-shirts, <strong>[title]</strong> plain white and black, endures. These timeless classics remain the epitome of simplicity and versatility. They can be effortlessly styled for a casual outing or dressed up for a more polished look, showcasing the eternal charm of minimalism.Absolutely! Their timeless appeal persists in the fashion landscape. However, they now share the stage with a diverse array of styles, from graphic masterpieces to sustainability champions and nostalgic throwbacks.
Fashion is about expressing oneself, embracing trends that <strong>[title]</strong> , and staying true to personal style. The current T-shirt trends reflect this ethos—a delightful blend of the old and the new, the bold and the subtle, the sustainable and the classic.I think the best way to make a T-shirt trending is to send a couple T-shirts out to influencers in your industry and get them to post it on their social channels. A certain hashtag on twitter. If enough people RT the hashtag can be trending in Twitter which will drive sales.
The current trend for long sleeve shirts is a mix of <strong>[title]</strong> and dressy styles. There are plenty of sleek, tailored shirts made from lightweight fabrics that can be easily dressed up or down. Denim and chambray shirts are also very popular right now, as are printed and embroidered designs. The oversized, slouchy look is also a popular trend, as is mixing and layering different textures and fabrics.
Transparent t-shirts may be part of the fashion <strong>[title]</strong> for some, it’s essential to remember that trends can vary widely and individual style choices are highly personal. What’s considered fashionable can differ greatly from person to person and from one fashion scene to another. Therefore, whether transparent t-shirts are “the new trend” would depend on the specific context and the perspectives of those involved in the fashion world.
More than likely if you have your own t-shirt shop you won’t be <strong>[title]</strong> to make them fast enough anyway. So you’ll probably have to use a third party service where you can make the design right away and they will give you a cut of the profits on any of the shirts sold. Also keep in mind that trends these come and go very quickly. You are not looking to make anything long term on any given idea. If you do, great. Your focus should be to make a quick buck then already be on the lookout for the next meme to sell.
For trending women’s printed T-shirts, you can <strong>[title]</strong> a variety of online platforms that offer stylish and up-to-date designs. One great option is SteekStyle, which features a diverse collection of fashionable printed T-shirts. Steek Style offers trendy designs that cater to various tastes and preferences, making it a reliable choice for finding the latest styles in women’s printed T-shirts.
For unique and amazing shirts in India, <strong>[title]</strong> exploring local boutique stores, online fashion platforms, or brands known for innovative designs. Look for shirts with distinctive patterns, quality fabrics, and a touch of cultural or modern flair, depending on your preference. Keep an eye out for emerging designers and collections that align with your style.
The landscape of men’s fashion is <strong>[title]</strong> , with each season bringing forth new trends, styles, and must-haves. This season, casual shirts for men are seeing a variety of influences from past decades, sustainability movements, and the blending of casual comfort with smart, tailored aesthetics. Here’s a deep dive into the latest trends in casual shirts for men that are making waves this season.
This season, casual shirts are <strong>[title]</strong> away from the monotony of solid colors and embracing bold prints and vibrant patterns. Floral patterns, abstract designs, and geometric shapes are making a strong statement. These shirts offer a lively addition to any wardrobe, perfect for standing out in social gatherings or adding a pop of color to a day out. The key to wearing these bold prints is to balance them with more subdued pieces, such as neutral-colored trousers or denim, to let the shirt truly shine.
As awareness around <strong>[title]</strong> issues grows, so does the demand for sustainable fashion. This season, many designers are focusing on casual shirts made from eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, bamboo fibers, and recycled polyester. These materials are not only better for the planet but also offer superior comfort and breathability. Brands are also adopting more ethical manufacturing practices, making these eco-conscious shirts a guilt-free addition to your casual wardrobe.
Continuing the trend from <strong>[title]</strong> seasons, oversized and relaxed fits are still in vogue. This trend prioritizes comfort without sacrificing style, offering a laid-back look that’s perfect for casual outings. Oversized shirts can be styled in numerous ways, from being worn over a T-shirt for a layered look to being tucked into your favorite pair of jeans for a more structured silhouette.
Utility is becoming a <strong>[title]</strong> trend in casual shirts, with designs incorporating practical elements like multiple pockets, durable materials, and adjustable cuffs. This trend caters to the man on the go, offering both functionality and fashion. Utility shirts in earthy tones or camouflage prints are particularly popular, easily paired with both jeans and cargo pants for a rugged, adventurous look.
Moving away from the <strong>[title]</strong> whites and blues, this season’s palette for casual shirts embraces softer, pastel hues. Light pinks, lavenders, mint greens, and baby blues are making their mark, offering a fresh and gentle approach to casual attire. These pastel-colored shirts are perfect for daytime events or to brighten up your ensemble on a cloudy day.
This season’s trends in <strong>[title]</strong> shirts for men offer a blend of bold fashion statements, sustainability, comfort, and nostalgia. Whether you’re drawn to vibrant patterns, eco-friendly materials, relaxed fits, vintage styles, utility features, or soft pastels, there’s something for every man looking to update his casual wardrobe. Embracing these trends allows for personal expression through fashion while staying comfortably in style.
The listed prices at each <strong>[title]</strong> depends upon the showroom manager’s discretion. There are occasions when some items require to be discarded and they may offer bigger discounts at the store. There are also times when the stores might recommended the online division to put up a set of items in their possession up for sale and the dispatch will be done from that store. Also, generally across all retail chains that have both online and offline stores, the discounts online are often higher.
With most people, at least with me after taking the <strong>[title]</strong> to get to a store, inspect so many clothes, I eventually get tired and pick something even without discount for the heck of it. At the same time, if I am browsing online from the same retail chain, all I need to do is to close that site and open another shopping portal. I have experienced this with Shoppers Stop a lot. I find their online store gives way better discounts than their retail outlets.
T-shirts have always been a staple in men’s <strong>[title]</strong> , offering versatility and comfort for various occasions. While trends come and go, T-shirts remain a timeless and popular choice for men of all ages. Whether it’s a classic crew neck or a trendy graphic tee, T-shirts are a wardrobe essential that can be dressed up or down to suit personal style preferences. While other styles may emerge and fade, the enduring appeal of T-shirts ensures they’ll continue to be a go-to option for men’s everyday wear.
This book tingles every living being’s imagination to <strong>[title]</strong> beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.
And when she walked on the cold floor with <strong>[title]</strong> feet; it shivered as if caressed by a celestial fairy; having just descended from the realms of heaven, Also the footprints that she left behind were perfectly synchronized; were themost mesmerizing that I had ever sighted on the trajectory of this earth.
The significance in regard to the story of Star Wars is that it <strong>[title]</strong> Solo’s character arc. Solo is not a hero at the start of the movie, he’s a smuggler and a pirate with few morals who is only out for himself, his arc is complete when he (maybe for the first time in his life) puts someone before himself and saves Luke from Vader at the climax of the movie. With the special edition changes his arc is still there but it’s not as powerful because we have not seen him at his worst.
The significance in regard to the fans is that the phrase “Han <strong>[title]</strong>  first” has become a symbol of some fans dislike of the special editions and of the struggle to get the original unaltered theatrical editions of the original trilogy released on a full quallity DVD/Blu-ray.
A Stormtrooper with armor weak or strong, just died in <strong>[title]</strong> shot. Then imagine that but on a cloak or shirt. They are effective in many different ways. Killing and Lethal Wound. They can also be used for opening doors if used in the way that they are not intended to. In the movies George Lucas makes it a that blasters rarely kill or hit because that would take out many good character. Like Han or Leia or Luke. Even artooy.

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